
Keystone Dreams

An ongoing blog of my travels for a long term photography project on the state of Pennsylvania.

Computational Photography or: how I learned to start worrying and hate AI


The Decisive Moment is dead. It’s probably been dead for awhile, and I’m just now accepting it. Before I go on a rant about photography, please know I have limited knowledge on the technical side of the subject of computational photography. I’m not going to begin to pretend I know everything about it. I would much prefer speaking on the philosophical side of it. Which is what I’m going to do.
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Understanding the Digital Content Workflow


Understanding the Digital Content Workflow
I’ve been a Digital Content/Asset Manager for over 7 years professionally. But in reality most of us are content managers these days. Who isn’t taking pictures and videos with their phones that they want to share? It’s becoming necessary to educate ones self on some basic tenets of content management. But this is still a relatively new field, there’s some, but not a lot of resources and research done in this field, especially as every ones digital collections grow.
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houselab? 2.0


houselab? 2.0
Houselab 2.0 More time has passed than I would have liked between blog posts, but in my defense I’ve had a lot going on. Work switched me over to day shift during the summer from my usual night shift when I had time in the morning, and at night after work to tinker on my lab, and write blogs that ramble on about nonsense. Thankfully I’m back on night shift now where I can continue living in my world of darkness and write blogs about things few people care about.
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fediverse thoughts…


Bye bye Reddit I’ve been deeeeeep into open source over the last year. I’ve learned so much Linux I feel like my head could explode with all this new knowledge I didn’t know I could learn. Reddit has been such a life-line for ideas, troubleshooting, and even just simply creating a community to go to and be a part of. But we all know what happened, and I fundamentally disagree with it.
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hugo site


Learning Linux and virtualization while setting up a homelab was the perfect excuse to learn how to create a static website for my blog and portfolio. I’ve been wanting to move my photography website away from squarespace for awhile as I felt it was too expensive for my simple portfolio needs and minimal web traffic. (I have about 16-20 visitors a month) As I learned more and more about Linux and servers I knew it wouldn’t be as difficult for me as it seemed previously.
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I installed Linux on a T2 mac mini!


I installed Linux on a T2 mac mini!
Linux on Mac ~ I’m a photographer, so Apple and MacOS always seemed like the obvious choice for computer hardware and operating system. They really did quite the marketing campaign on us artists back in the day, huh? But I find they make solid, durable, easy to setup hardware for creators who simply want to get started and not have to configure anything besides an account and password. Since the hardware is so solid, it’s not uncommon for a consumer Mac to last 10-15 years.
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Sometimes things just come together and fall into place. I’ve been learning Linux for almost 8 months now and it’s been really cool to see how far I’ve come. When I first told a friend I was playing around with it on my old macbook he asked if I knew how to use Linux. I thought I was just using something like MacOS but open source. And my dad is a sysadmin… Turns out I was kind of right, but still oh so wrong.
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a new path


a new path
my journey into Linux and selfhosting. Welcome to my new, self hosted blog. I’m very excited about this! I have spent many hours making countless google searches, reading documentation, books, listening to podcast after podcast, bothering my sysadmin father, and of course watching the occasional youtube video to learn Linux and about other homelab tools. It is a departure for me, as I have been a photographer for all of my life thus far, and have only recently dove into Linux much like I did with photography when I was younger.
a new path.
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new hampshire reunion


new hampshire reunion
Coming back to New Hampshire felt like a homecoming for me. I lived in Manchester for four years while I attended the undergraduate program at The New Hampshire Institute of Art, now called The New England College of Art and Design. The name change stems from NHIA (founded in 1898) almost dissolving after going bankrupt due to some poor real estate investments. This ultimately led to being purchased by The New England College a few years ago.
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moraine lake, alberta, canada


moraine lake, alberta, canada
In July of 2022 my fiancée and I took a trip to Montana for her friends wedding, and we decided to make the most of the trip and knock off a bucket list item, Banff, Alberta, Canada. It was only a four hour drive from where we flew in to Montana, more like five if you include the scenic viewpoint stops. My fascination with this area began when I purchased some slides at a flea market of someones vacation here from what looks like the 40’s-50’s, maybe early 60’s.
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silver halides


silver halides
35mm black and white film is what nearly every photography student starts out with. Thats the way it was when I entered high school, and entering college was much of the same. It was funny telling my college professor I already know about film. You never think you’re the arrogant freshman until you think back on it. “No you didn’t. Forget everything you think you know, because it’s wrong.” Fair enough.
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in transit


in transit
Ever since my first visit to the big apple I have become increasingly enamored by it. I was born in a suburb of Philadelphia, and Philly is unique in it’s own way, but it was always kind of there, and understandable. Untitled 9611, New York City, 2016 New York on the other hand is mind-boggling. Eight and a half million people living on 300 square miles. There are 27,000 people every square mile.
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phil cifone

is a photographer and Linux enthusiast focused on digital archival storage. Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.